Beauty Pam LLC

How Often Should You Oil Your Scalp for Hair Growth?

People with oily hair often ignore hair oiling. They hate sticky hair, and applying oil can make it stickier. However, neglecting oil is also not a solution. Oiling can significantly change your hair game. It offers special treatment to both your hair and scalp.

Hair oiling has always been a debatable topic. Oiling helps moisturize your scalp, exfoliate, and lessen hair fall. If you are not oiling your hair or scalp, you miss out on many of its amazing benefits. Persistent shampooing and heat styling will likely strip many essential nutrients from the scalp, drying both your scalp and hair. Oiling can help bring them back and give you the desired luster and softness.

Using hair oil is more like a luxurious self-care ritual than a complex scientific experiment. Just take some drops and run your fingertips on your scalp. Concentrate on the areas of your scalp you think need the most care.

Why Oil Your Hair?

You may want to learn the role of oiling in your hair care routine. Well, it is just to achieve healthy and shiny hair. Let us delve more into the benefits of this age-old practice:


Oils, such as coconut and almond oil, contain nutrients that can help strengthen hair follicles, lessening breakage and split ends. Seek the best time to oil your strands; this will allow you to reap the most benefits and encourage healthy hair growth.


Regular oiling is an important part of your daily hair care routine and can nourish and hydrate your hair. It also ensures moisture retention in your strands, preventing dryness and fragility.

However, oiling a scalp prone to hair loss may clog follicles and worsen inflammation. Thus, it is better to use light oils only 2 to 3 times a week.


Regular oiling can create a protective barrier around your hair. The oils on your hair strands can protect them against damage that may result from the sun, environmental pollution, or styling tools.


Rubbing oil into your scalp can be soothing and stress-relieving. It is an excellent way to feel relaxed all day long.

Stimulate Blood Circulation

Rubbing oil into your scalp can help raise blood circulation and encourage hair development. Some oils may have qualities that promote hair development.

Signs you Need to Oil your Scalp

We know how important hair oiling is in your daily hair care routine. Your scalp produces natural oils, but you should keep up its balance. Below are some signs that indicate you need to oil your scalp:

Itching and Irritation

Dry hair can result in itchy and irritated scalp. You should start oiling your hair from this instance if you find yourself scratching your head every time.

Dull and Lifeless Hair

Lack of oil on the scalp can result in dull, lifeless hair. Oiling helps nourish the roots, promoting healthier and shinier hair.

Sensitive Scalp

Dry scalps can make skin more sensitive, which can cause pain or other unpleasant sensations. Applying oil to the scalp helps minimize and ease irritation.


If your scalp feels tight, it may be dehydrated. But there’s no need to worry; regular oiling can help nourish the roots and give you healthier hair.

Excessive Shedding

If you see too much hair shedding, a lack of moisture on the scalp can be the reason. Oiling can provide the necessary hydration to prevent extreme hair loss.

What Essential Oils Promote Hair Growth?

View some of the best essential oils that can promote healthy hair growth and add volume and thickness:

Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood essential oil is known for its antibacterial and antifungal effects. These can help treat and prevent dandruff and hair loss. A study explored the potential that an essential oil blend of rosemary, thyme, lavender, and cedarwood can treat alopecia areata.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil is an ingredient often found in products for dandruff care. It contains potent antimicrobial and antibacterial agents that can unclog follicles and support healthy hair growth. In a 2002 study, it was found that tea tree essential oil can lessen scalp itchiness and oiliness. This, ultimately, reduces the urge to scratch the scalp.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil can raise blood and nutrient circulation to the scalp. This speeds up hair growth and prevents hair loss. In a study on mice, it was found that peppermint essential oil raises the number of follicles and their depth. Thus, it enhances hair growth and thickness.

Lavender Essential Oil

The lavender essential oil has both antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. These can keep your scalp clean and stop stress-induced hair loss. According to a 2016 study, this essential oil can result in a 99.8% boost in lab mice’s hair growth over three weeks.

What is The Best Hair Oil for Hair Growth to Buy?

Sneaky Growth Oil


Beauty Pam Sneaky Hair Growth Oil is an incredible hair product produced with natural oils. Like every product that we offer, our Sneaky Growth Oil has been formulated with high-quality and nutrient-rich ingredients. Whether you have straight or curly hair, this hair oil suits all hair types. It is also cruelty-free and does not contain any chemicals. If you are experiencing scalp psoriasis, Sneaky Growth Oil is the go-to product. Moreover, it is a great product for other hair problems like dandruff and itchy scalp, as well as calming redness and irritation.

Ingredients of Sneaky Growth Oil:

Castor oil (seed extract)
Olea Europaea L. (oil extract)
Allium Sativum (juice extract)
Salvia Rosmarinus
Argania Spinosa L. (nuts extract)
Melaleuca alternifolia (E.O extract),
Palma Rosa,
Piperita mentha

How to Apply This Product?

Spray a hydrating mist on your hair and apply a little oil to your scalp. To seal in moisture, you can apply the Shoublak Lilia curly styling hair cream. Finish with styling and detangling. This will give you the desired results.

How Should you Oil your Hair and Scalp?

The hair oiling process may take about 35 to 40 minutes, but it is important to do it correctly. Carrier oil and essential oil are all that you need. You need to follow these six steps while oiling your hair and scalp:

Select The Right Carrier Oil

You can use carrier oils like grapeseed or jojoba oil separately or mix them with essential oils. If your scalp is greasy, use light oils such as almond oil.

Select The Right Essential Oil

You must select an essential oil based on its properties and your hair type. You can opt for peppermint oil or lavender oil. Try diluting them in carrier oils, as they can be too strong and cause allergies.

Heat the Oil

Heat your oils for a while until they turn warm. When you apply warm oil to your head, it will deeply penetrate through the hair cuticles and seal them, retaining moisture from your scalp.

Massage Gently

The next step is to massage the scalp. Take a few drops of oil and rub your fingers on your scalp in circular motions for at least 10 to 15 minutes. When you are done massaging your scalp, switch to the ends of your hair.

Wrap a Warm Cloth Around your Hair

Wrap a warm towel across your forehead and tie your hair in a bun. Your pores and cuticles will open. This would let the oils deeply penetrate your scalp and hair follicles.

Wash your Hair

After applying oil, let it sit overnight. In the morning, wash it with a mild shampoo. Rinse with cold or normal water.

When and How Often You Should Oil?

Certainly, you may have been wondering when and how often to massage your scalp using oil. Well, it depends on many things like hair type, scalp condition, or personal choice. If you have dry or curly hair, oiling your scalp once or twice a week would be good. Let us take a glance at some general guidelines for oiling:
Hair Type:

Dry hair

For dry hair people, it can be beneficial to oil more frequently. They should oil their hair and scalp 2 to 3 times a week.

Oily hair

If anyone has oily hair or scalp, it is better to use oil less frequently. Oiling once every two weeks or less can be good to prevent excessive greasiness.

Normal hair

For people with normal hair, it is sufficient to oil their hair once a week or every other week. This can help maintain their hair health and luster.

Hair Styling:

Using heat-styling tools like flat irons or dryers can bring damage to your hair. However, frequent oiling can protect your hair from damage and keep it in its healthiest state.

Scalp Condition:

Dry scalp

Those with dried-out scalp can benefit from regular hair oiling. It can reduce dryness and irritation. If you have dry scalp, it is best to oil 2 to 3 times a week.

Scalp problems

If you are experiencing scalp-related problems like dandruff, oiling can be an essential part of your routine. It can calm irritation and ensure a healthy scalp.

Personal Choice:

Some individuals might use hair oil more frequently to get extra moisture for their hair and scalp. On the contrary, others may not use it more often. Individuals can also think of factors like how their hair feels after applying oil and how well their scalp tolerates the product.

What are The Common Hair Oiling Mistakes?

We often make some mistakes when oiling our scalp and hair. Following are some of the common mistakes that you must avoid the next time you use oil:

Don’t Wash Too Soon

When you remove excess oil from the hair, you don’t have to do it hurriedly. Let the oil sit for about an hour and show its wonders. This period gives ample time for the oil to moisturize the hair follicles and scalp.

Don’t Overuse The Oil

If you use hair oil excessively, you can experience adverse effects. As you apply the oil too much, you’ll need more shampoo to rinse it off. As a result, this will take away the excess and natural oils of your hair. Thus, there can be chances of your hair becoming dry and susceptible to breakage.

Whenever you are applying hair oil, ensure that you know the right balance. By doing so, you can get better results and keep the problems at bay.

Do Not Comb Just After Oiling

Hair is highly prone to breaking when the scalp is relaxed. Oiling can weigh down your hair, so combing it right after oiling is not advisable. Hair that is oiled is likely to clump together. This makes combing difficult, and you may get tangled or have messy hair. Also, combing right after oiling can make the oil distribute unevenly throughout your hair. Therefore, some areas may get overly saturated while others are left dried out.

Don’t Overuse Shampoo

It is important to use shampoo to rinse off the excessive oil. But make sure that you don’t overuse the shampoo. Many individuals often use excess shampoo to remove oil, but it can go south. Applying too much shampoo can take away the natural oils of your hair. Thus, it can make them seem dull and dry. To keep a healthy balance, use the right quantity of the product you are using.

Don’t Massage Too Aggressively

Refrain from massaging your scalp too aggressively, as it can make your hair prone to breakage. Be gentle while massaging and massage in circular motions. This would ensure a calming and effective oiling session.

Avoid Tying your Hair Up

Tying hair just after applying the oil can be damaging to your hair. The extra weight of the oil can make your hair more prone to breakage. So, you must let your hair down and allow it to breathe after massaging the oil into your scalp.


Understanding the frequency of oiling is important. It is best to oil your scalp once or twice a week. After you pick the ideal hair oil and massage it into your scalp, you should cover your hair with a warm cloth. What’s more, you must avoid combing right after oiling, using oil in excess, or tying your hair up. All of these can weigh down your hair and contribute to breakage.

Get hair oil that has natural ingredients. Such a hair product can give strength to your hair roots and prevent unnecessary hair loss. If you are in pursuit of such an all-natural hair oil, Beauty Pam is the right place. We are a reputable brand among those looking for the best all-natural hair oils. Count on us and bid farewell to your dry, frizzy hair. Take a glance at our exclusive collection to learn what is the best hair oil for hair.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Good to Oil Your Hair Every Day?

You may want to know whether it is a good idea to do hair oiling daily or not. Oiling hair every day can also bring some negative effects. If you leave oil on your hair daily for a long time, there can be product accumulation, which is not good. The accumulation of product may clog pores and draw filth and even dandruff.
It’s better to oil once or twice a week as it maintains a balance and brings optimal results.

Can We Apply Oil On Wet Hair?

Applying oil to wet hair can repel and restrict it from reaching the scalp. Water creates a layer on the hair and scalp that prevents oil from passing through it. So, it is ideal to use oil when your hair is dry as it will nourish the deeper layers of hair and scalp.

When Should I Wash Oil Out Of My Hair?

It is advisable to wash out the oil from the hair within 24 years of applying it. This will prevent the oil from accumulating on your hair and scalp.


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